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20 years of exhibiting at IAM

20 years of exhibiting at IAM
20 years of exhibiting at IAM

20 years ago we exhibited at our first IAM (then it was HHGFAA) 42 in SAN Diego. Since then our line of products has undergone continuous change and growth, along with the list of clients. And now we are presenting a new product, bingo.voxme.com that offers simple access to cloud label printing, barcoding and digital inventory for minimum expense and wait time. That’s plenty of reasons to stop by our nook in the networking lounge. Book your visit by clicking here:

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Fair priced moving software trusted for 20 years

+ $3 per job

Zebra printer
Zebra starter kit (optional)

$962.40 / Buy now

Zebra ZD621 printer and 1 case of labels (6 rolls per case)

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Contact us:

Head office:
28 Finch Avenue West, Unit 201,Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M2N 2G7