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How Barcodes and QR Codes Simplify the Moving Process

How Barcodes and QR Codes Simplify the Moving Process
How Barcodes and QR Codes Simplify the Moving Process

The essence of the transportation business process is simple: we accept cargo and payment from the client, then return the cargo while retaining a profit.

However, this seemingly straightforward process can encounter challenges. For example, a client may report missing or damaged items. In such cases, the carrier has to compensate for the loss, which can nullify the profitability of the deal.

How to Prevent Issues During Transportation

To minimize losses and errors, Voxme offers Moving Software for labeling and verifying cargo:

  • Numbering: Each item receives a unique identification number.
  • Rechecking: At every stage of transport, items are recounted and checked for completeness.

Surprisingly, many companies still perform this process manually. Workers mark numbers on paper (a method known as "bingo"). However, manual methods are prone to mistakes and confusion, leading to losses — not necessarily due to theft but often from human error.

Modern Solutions: Barcodes and QR Codes for Individual Labeling

Labeling items with barcodes and QR codes has become an efficient and accessible solution. This approach combines simplicity and cost-effectiveness, especially with tools like the bingo.voxme.com portal, which makes the technology affordable even for small companies — for just $300 per year.

How Does a QR Code Differ From a Barcode?

Barcodes and QR codes carry the same information. However, barcodes store data horizontally using parallel lines (a one-dimensional code), while QR codes use a two-dimensional format with data encoded both horizontally and vertically.

QR codes are particularly advantageous due to their resilience: they remain readable even if up to 70% of the image is damaged.

Delivery Bingo: Simplifying the Process with Smartphones

With the Delivery Bingo app, available for smartphones, you can:

  • Verify the quantity and condition of cargo;
  • Take photos of damages or missing labels;
  • Generate a report signed by the client and carrier.

The report can be saved as a PDF, sent to the client, or uploaded to the portal for future reference.


How is a QR code more reliable than a barcode?

QR codes are more damage-resistant due to their complex structure with redundant elements.

How can I encode a job number into a barcode?

The bingo.voxme.com portal allows automatic encoding. Simply input the job number, and the barcode label will be printed.

How much does the barcode scanning app cost?

Access to the app is included in the portal's subscription, costing only $3 per job.

Do I need to purchase licenses for each scanning device?

No. The app works on a pay-as-you-go model. Workers receive a link to download a specific job.

When is the Delivery Bingo app most commonly used?

  • Scan in: When receiving cargo at the warehouse to verify the number of items.
  • Scan out: When releasing cargo from the warehouse or loading it onto a transport vehicle.
Fair priced moving software trusted for 20 years

+ $3 per job

Zebra printer
Zebra starter kit (optional)

$962.40 / Buy now

Zebra ZD621 printer and 1 case of labels (6 rolls per case)

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