• Simple remote policy - borderless quality

Simple remote policy - borderless quality

October 9, 2024

Simple remote policy - borderless quality

Since the beginning of the pandemic Voxme has formerly introduced a simple policy we've had for years - our staff has complete freedom to work from anywhere in the world. We believe that everybody has the right to decide where to live and work. The best "work - life" balance is achieved by not separating the two. A human being just lives a life with everything it encompasses.

Fair priced moving software trusted for 20 years

+ $3 per job

Zebra printer
Zebra starter kit (optional)

$962.40 / Buy now

Zebra ZD621 printer and 1 case of labels (6 rolls per case)

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Head office:
28 Finch Avenue West, Unit 201,Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M2N 2G7