Estimator is a pre-move survey application that runs on iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows Mobile smartphones and tablets. Estimator allows the surveyor to quickly create the list of articles to pack and move and to check the accumulated volume by room or by shipment mode. Packing materials are estimated automatically based on your company's standards. Click to view sample survey summary.
Estimator is linked to Voxme Web Estimator, which means that you end up with a real survey summary even after a virtual survey.
When the survey is complete, a summary report is generated automatically, ready to be printed and/or shared with the office and client.
The survey process is very simple and intuitive. Moving from room to room (or area to area), the surveyor can quickly capture each article's name and shipment mode (or mark the article 'not going'); if necessary, adjust predefined weight and volume, add notes; specify crate size; take a picture; and appraise insurance value.
New articles can be easily added to the standard master list during survey.
Estimator helps salespeople spend more time with the shipper. Survey results can be easily and comprehensively reviewed and explained. The shipper/transferee will feel comfortable seeing all the details and requests captured.