Voxme will present its proven and practical solutions for digital inventory, cloud label printing, delivery bingo, pre-move survey, virtual survey and full CRM/ERP solutions for the removals and fine arts logistics.
Estamos entusiasmados com a parceria com a Barcodes Inc. para trazer aos profissionais de mudanças soluções de software inovadoras e econômicas.
Visão geral dos recursos:
Para profissionais: integração de CRM, fotos de inspeção e operações simplificadas.
Juntas, Levata e Voxme estão revolucionando o controle de estoque para transportadores.
Saber mais: https://www.barcodesinc.com/partners/voxme-bingo
Monetize your industry experience and insight! Tried and true Voxme digital inventory and label printing solutions in a new affordable package suitable for tens of thousands movers in the US and around the world. Take a peek at bingo.voxme.com. Apply by email at hr@voxme.com
We started Voxme 20 years ago. So it’s only fitting that our 20th anniversary can be celebrated at IAM in our home town Toronto with the very association that helped us realize the dream. Come to think of it - we still offer digital inventory, barcoding, labeling, scanning and premove survey. The technology behind it got better and thanks to the cloud technology we now have new and affordable packages that everybody can enjoy right away - that’s our gift to you! Come see us at booth 608. If you want a demo, book it here:
The new Voxme Bingo Portal has become popular over its first year.
With the minimum upfront investment it opens maximum possibilities to address digital inventory and barcoding.
Replacing handwritten inventory with the digital one using bingo.voxme.com happens easily and naturally.
The users figure out the appropriate way of use by simple trial and error. Affordable pricing and completed jobs based billing make it happen naturally. Test jobs aren’t charged.
We constantly take part in QR scanning for shopping, travelling and entertainment.
Voxme bingo portal allows the users to to set up their own scanning process for inventory control during scanning in, loading, scanning out and on delivery.
Modern technology allows for scanning with the phone cameras and setup of job specific QR labels using standard Zebra printer.
Enjoy this very open and engaging discussion featuring our MD Max Kreynin
When the largest independent moving company in North America completes a major platform upgrade before the season, it means three things:
JK Moving Services has been using Voxme Digital Inventory platform for close to 5 years and has methodically extended the use of the platform to incorporate contract and service related forms, access and residence inspection photos, timesheets and delivery check-off. And now they've migrated to our MFC based inventory system to take full advantage of the operational stability of Voxme AWS cloud, powerful real time APIs and real time document generations to help automated all field activity processes.
The success of Voxme Inventory system at JK Moving Services can only be attributed to their tireless pursuit of perfection. Having a vision of a truly integrated process is one thing. Being able to set up all the systems, integrations, processes, training and support is quite another story. And we are proud to be part of it.
Says Max Kreynin: "I believe that our true expertise lies in offering practical solutions to the industry and it means affordable and easy to implement. Yes, they are lots of people in any industry that see theoretical value in technology. However, very few are capable of investing a lot in something new to them and even fewer have organizational muscle to implement and launch a new system"
Esta seránossa primeira apresentação oficial do Paquete Especial de “Digital Inventory”ou Inventario Digital para os membros de FIDI:
Por $300 por ano, este produto único permite aos nossos clientes usar o aplicativo VoxmeDigital Inventory numa infinidade de telemóveis ou tablets da Apple ou Androide pagar apenas $3 por trabalho. Uma oferta especial limitada para os miembrosde FIDI: logotipo da empresa grátis na lista de inventário PDF. Faça a suareserva no nosso stand usando o seguinte enlace de Calendly:
Nos vemosem Bangkok.
We are honored and humbled to be able to contribute to the wonderful IAM Learning initiative by sponsoring their very practical and experience based digital inventory "best practices" course. Click the link below to open it:
Thank you International Association of Movers, Mobility Exchange, Ray daSilva for making this technology that more accessible to everybody in the industry.
Take advantage of our gift to whose who chose to embrace digital inventory simply because the time has come.
Come see us at booth 200 at IAM where we proudly present Digital Inventory Portal for $300 a year, $3 per job. After 20 years of experience we are blessed to be in position to offer an affordable and comprehensive inventory control solutions to the entire industry.
We are at the Hyatt already. You can book your meetings in advance - there are few time slots left: Voxme Calendly At IAM 2022
Since the beginning of the pandemic Voxme has formerly introduced a simple policy we've had for years - our staff has complete freedom to work from anywhere in the world. We believe that everybody has the right to decide where to live and work. The best "work - life" balance is achieved by not separating the two. A human being just lives a life with everything it encompasses.
We look forward to seeing you at our booth 2022 in Atlanta without giving any consideration to the costs of travel, availability of Zoom and carbon footprint:
And if you truly want to talk about business, then we'll let you try out the digital inventory that you can have for $300/$3 once you let your drivers test it.
Safe travels
The issue of replacing a handwritten inventory with an electronic packing list, as required by the DOD Mandate, is becoming more urgent as May 2023 is quickly approaching. Here is our promised solution, which only requires Apple and Android devices.
Visit https://www.voxme.com/products/inventory and book your demo
We’re happy to announce our designation as a US Domestic Asset-based Mover (DAB) Ally by the International Association of Movers.
Voxme has been founded by a real mover who 20 years ago decided that mobile apps is what down to earth movers need in order to succeed in this world. And that's what we've been delivering since 2003 - practical digital inventory, bingo checkoff, pre-move survey apps that just work for those who have boots on the ground:
Large DOD movers do it: https://www.voxme.com/blog/pasha-group
Large everything movers do it: https://www.voxme.com/blog/jk-moving
And you can do it too! Reach out, come to our booth at IAM in Atlanta and add tried and true solutions to your toolkit.
We are excited to announce the launch of Voxme Delivery Bingo App - a simple delivery bingo checkoff app that can be used by any moving company or driver. And here's the best part - the origin inventory list format is irrelevant. Handwritten inventory will do just fine. For more details go to https://www.voxme.com/products/bingo
Temos o orgulho de anunciar a disponibilidade geral do Bingo Label Portal, que permite que qualquer empresa de mudanças de qualquer tamanho em todo o mundo imprima códigos de barras, mova etiquetas específicas de qualquer PC ou Mac para qualquer impressora Zebra moderna. O portal também permite despachar trabalhos para verificação de entrega usando o novo aplicativo de entrega de bingo. Confira os detalhes em https://www.voxme.com/products/barcode-label-printing, cadastre-se no portal e comece já a controlar seus estoques e custos.
A Voxme estará exibindo pessoalmente na reunião anual do IAM em Atlanta, de 2 a 5 denovembro de 2022.
Venha nosvisitar, temos nossos novos produtos e pacotes de impressão de etiquetas, estoque digital e bingo na entrega.
Por favor, reserve suas demos enviando um e-mail para sales@voxme.com.
Esperamos vê-lo pessoalmente no estande 200.
Here's a video recording of IAM hosted industry wide digital inventory vendor demo day hosted by Voxme on April 26, 2022.
The vendor day webinar was focused on presenting our digital inventory solutions suitable for all types of moves:
• Private
• Commercial
• Groupage Fine Arts
We’ve been doing it since 2003 and our priority has always been on the end users - drivers, crew leaders, foremen because at the end of the day they determine whether the electronic packing list system becomes of a daily company’s routine.
This laser focus has allowed us to help ThePasha Group complete near 27,000 DOD compliant packing lists as described in the first industry wide digital inventory webinar hosted by IAM ( click to see the details).
All companies are unique, which is why Voxme Inventory platform is customizable and is designed to be integrated into a company’s IT infrastructure - the key elements that allowed JK Moving services, the largest independent moving company in North America, to roll out Voxme on over 200 iPads. This was shared with the industry during the second IAM hosted “drivers perspective on digital inventory” webinar (click to see the details).
Funny enough, none of the products of the other vendors who will present their solutions after us, have been mentioned during the first two webinars. Perhaps it explains their heightened sensitivity to the idea of competitors joining each other’s demo days.
There is one thing that all our digital inventory clients share in common - the use of MFC platform, which offers a full suite of solutions:
• cloud database, label printing, warehouse control,
• inventory control at any point of transfer, notifications, etc.
• a RESTful API that enables integration with CRMs, ERPs and move management systems.
One of the challenges of the digital inventory solution is the fact that most of the time origin and destination agents aren’t using the same system, which means that a destination agent can’t complete a delivery bingo efficiently using an electronic inventory and barcodes used by the origin agent. We’ve solved that by introducing simple, free and completely stand alone Delivery Bingo app. All it needs is a link or QR code from an origin agent to download the origin inventory and use it to quickly complete a very detailed delivery bingo.
Responding to the USTRANSCOM digital inventory mandate due to come into effect in March 2023 and the overall market need for a simple, affordable inventory solution that produces DOD compliant digital inventory packing list we’ve developed a simple portal we call Bingo Label Portal (https://bingo.voxme.com) that bookers and movers can use to easily complete 3 fundamental tasks without any company specific setup:
1. Create electronic inventories
2. Print labels from the internet
3. Dispatch bingo to the destination agent
Simplicity aside, the biggest news is the pricing model - Pay As You Go. Sign up or email sales@voxme.com for more details.
If there’s one thing you need to take away from our webinar, let it be this - start with the simple Voxme digital inventory solution and rest assured that your immediate and future needs will be covered.
Below is the Q&A portion of the webinar
Q: Do you use the app for survey and if so is that available during packing?
A: we have a dedicated pre-move survey app called Estimator which should be used for physical and virtual surveys. It produces a survey summary that can be made available to the crew in the Voxme Inventory app
Q: What is the size of the label.
A: The standard size is 4” wide by 3” height (or 10cm by7.5cm), but custom label sizes can be supported too if necessary
Q: Does the bingo sheet transfer to the loss and damage form automatically?
A: One can capture delivery damages using both Inventory and Delivery Bingo app and once uploaded back to the MFC, the Loss and Damage form can be generated automatically
Q: Does your app have the availability to create a job on the fly or does the customer have to be created in your software before going to the job?
A: One can create a job on the fly using Voxme Inventory app or by accessing a portal from the same device as one uses for the inventory
Q: If I am the Origin Agent using this product, but the Destination Agent is NOT using this product, how are they checking off the inventory at delivery?
A: The destination agent would receive an email or text from the origin agent to download a free Voxme Bingo Delivery app and complete the checking. The resulting bingo checking result pdf goes back to the origin agent’s Voxme system automatically. It can be shared by the destination agent delivery driver with the destination agent and client via email, any messaging app (Dropbox, Telegram, iMessage), AirDrop, BT, etc.
Q: Following a previously asked question, same app can be used for the survey is it then? Just that the survey result won't be translated to the bingo sheet
A: The Inventory app can’t be used for survey – Voxme Estimator is the pre-move survey app. Survey results never translate to the actual packing list – the foreman/driver always creates a real packing list.
Q: Is the label pressure sensitive and can it go directly on furniture or on a pad?
A: the labels are highly adhesive and can’t be affixed to the furniture. One can get removal labels, of course, but these are prohibitively expensive
Q: Does your API supports to send customer info to populate using order number
A: Yes, our API supports full job, transaction management cycle.
Q: Can the driver annotate pre-existing damage using the same damage descriptors and locations that we use currently on the inventory? Photo is great and assuming written notations also are there but just want to make sure
A: Standard or company specific pre-existing damage and location codes get set up base don client’s requirements
Q: How long the data is stored? How long the retrieval is possible?
A: All data is stored indefinitely for as long as one has active Voxme service subscription
Q: Can the customer view the inventory in real time as it is being completed, or do they have to wait until inventory is complete to review it?
A: A customer can have a current inventory shared in real time by the crew via client via email, any messaging app (Dropbox, Telegram, iMessage), AirDrop, BT, etc.
Q: the reason I asked that question was from efficiency perspective .. agreed the packing may be different than surveying but if 80-90% items stay same, it will improve the packing inventory time (why repeat)
A: the way items are packed in packages is always different from a survey. As an example, in a survey one writes – dining chair - 6. On the packing list one pay end up with 3 packages – with 2 dining chairs in each
Q: As I can see the QR Codes on the Labels does it can be used really the goods by reading the labels, so if any package is missed? like in Normal Stores labels have the ability to add or remove the items from inventory
A: one can always adjust the inventory – each piece has a barcode assigned to it. Checking process shows missing pieces based on the barcodes that haven’t been scanned
Q: are the barcodes compatible with other digital inventory products if a receiving agent uses a different product?
A: Yes we use standard barcode encoding that allows external systems to scan them.
Q: So do you have to have access to your system to use the inventory app.
A: No, the Inventory app works completely offline and requires access to the cloud system only to download job requests and upload completed inventories and all its details back to the cloud
Q: I might have missed the page but the DOD requirement of Customer must be able to thoroughly review inventory contents, including all comments, conditions, and annotate exceptions, per line item, prior to signature." Does this provide a summary page or is it just a lot of pages for the move?
A: There’s a section with the full inventory as well as a summary table of all the items with pre-existing damages and their photos
Q: the reason that I ask is because I we have our own software and I just want to use your inventory app and check off
A: you’d be using our API to dispatch the jobs to the Voxme Inventory app and get the inventory details back in your system
Q: So the Destination Agent is now responsible to "know" what app they have to download?
A: The destination agent would receive an email or text from the origin agent to download a free Voxme Bingo Delivery app and complete the checking. The resulting bingo checking result pdf goes back to the origin agent’s Voxme system automatically. It can be shared by the destination agent delivery driver with the destination agent and client via email, any messaging app (Dropbox, Telegram, iMessage), AirDrop, BT, etc.
Q: Do you have the ability to add any additional documents to the software in order to create a truly paperless product?
A: The MFC system allows to generate any standard or custom documents upon inventory details upload in order to establish truly paperless process
Q: Can we email the Bingo Link to the destination agent's dispatch office to be forwarded to their drivers if you don't have DA driver's information?
A: that’s exactly what you’d do – send a link or even a PDF with two QR codes – one to download the Voxme Bingo Delivery app and another one to download the job to deliver
Q: Does your software allow for billing, with driver pay screen?
A: No, billing is done via integration of the cloud system with company’s accounting system
Q: Does your inventory translate into other languages?
A: The system supports translation to French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Romanian, Greek
Temos orgulho de patrocinar a convenção FIDI Global Alliance 2022 em Cannes. Max Kreynin e Roman Kreynin participarão da reunião. As reuniões podem ser reservadas clicando no link a seguir: https://calendly.com/maxvoxme/fidi2022
Voxme Digital Inventory is the only practical, standalone solution for companies that really need to have a USTRANSCOM DoD compliant electronic packing list system by May 2023. The last two DAB/IAM digital inventory webinars proved it beyond any doubt:
Here are the reasons:
Voxme offers the following popular tools on top of the electronic packing list solution:
Companies around the world have added these to their daily routine to establish efficient inventory integrity control for all types of moves and business requirements.
Register here https://www.pathlms.com/iamlearning/courses/40452
Click on the link below to watch the entire DAB/IAM webinar on digital inventory implementation. Pasha Group shares their experience of rolling out and using Voxme Digital Inventory to complete 26,000 packing lists electronically:
We are proud to sponsor such an important IAM initiative. Hope you can join this digital inventory webinar and hear fellow movers share their experiences of rolling out the system
Steve Jordan goes in depth on the topic of the current state of the digital inventory adoption in the moving industry in his very insightful article in The Mover Magazine.
Follow this link to read it - Digital Inventory Opportunity
We are proud and humbled to be able to bring a simple, battlefields tested and affordable solution to the industry when it needs it the most
We are proud to have our Voxme Digital Inventory solution certified by IAM for being ISO 17451-1 compliant
Our team believe that the moving industry deserves a simple, easy to use and easy to implement driver inventory system that meets the demands of the largest government and corporate clients. Since 2003 we've worked hard at making driver inventory a mundane reality that helps save time, costs and trees.
Voxme will be exhibiting at the annual IAM meeting in Orlando October 12-16, 2021.
Please, book your demos by emailing sales@voxme.com.
We look forward to seeing you in person!
As empresas de mudanças militares passaram a apreciar a simplicidade do aplicativo Voxme Inventory. Muitos desistiram de procurar o aplicativo de inventário digital que seus motoristas e subcontratados concordariam em usar; descobriram que nossa aplicação é a salvação. Acontece que todas as empresas de mudanças DOD serão obrigadas a usar um inventário digital compatível com ISO 17451-1 a partir de 1º de abril de 2022. Não se preocupe em ler o padrão, nós o temos coberto.
Changes summary:
INV-1471 Default custom label value in Fine Arts for "Packers" and “Packer” is changed to Handlers and Handler. Further customization can be done via settings/custom labels
INV-1444 Bug fix: Downloaded image file name is added to the text field in focus
What it means to you: There was a bug on the item details screen that would the file name of a downloaded image to the item description. It is now fixed
INV-1439 App crashes ifuser tries to scan with the camera using the Google SDK but has the camera permissions off
What it means to you: Some users reported this issue after fresh install. The solution was to go and adjust Inventory camera permission, but now the app explicitly detects this situation and provides clear instructions.
INV-1432 Bug fix: Image size increases dramatically after editing
What it means to you: Editing images used to result in a very large image which has caused upload issues.
INV-1431 Inventory not selected correctly when returning from editing/checking it
What it means to you: Returning to the main screen would not highlight the job that was last worked on.
INV-1428 Enable Check Registration if no native mail app present
What it means to you: The situation in the previous version was that if a device didn’t have a native Apple email client installed and couldn’t share the registration record, the Check registration wouldn’t be enabled. Now that’s no longer the case so Voxme tech can grab the registration record over LogMein, provision the device and ask the user to tap on Check registration. Please, use QR settings for setting updevices going forward
INV-1413 Bug fix: Weight and Volume Totals on the Checker screen are being incremented with every screen transition
INV-1404 Bug fix: Logic for barcode calculation in Fine Arts needs to be changed
What it means to you: The previous version had an issue with the automatic item number calculation when new itemswere added when the last item on the inventory was a child.
INV-1392Add Default Condition setting parameter next to the Default package
What it means to you: Now one can explicitly set a default item condition when an item is created. By default, the first condition on the conditions list is used as a default. In Fine arts mode the default condition is blank after the upgrade.
INV-1391 Bug fix: Empty node in Configuration file causes exception while parsing and app to report error
What it means to you: An empty configuration parameter in ArtMan and MFC would crash the app.
INV-1475 In Removals skip job existence check if job has already been uploaded
What it means to you: In fine art mode the upload will not start if the target transaction doesn’t exist in ArtMan or if it’s flagged as Complete. In removals mode the uploads for completed transactions will still go through.
INV-1473 Change error message to be inventory mode specific
What it means to you: Upload errors are now specific to the back-end system (MFC and ArtMan).
INV-1466 Eliminate Dropbox upload
What it means to you: Inventory no longer supports direct link with Dropbox. Sharing transaction summaries is the only way to upload something to Dropbox
INV-1464 In Removals Mode the maxFileSize parameter should be 10MB and not editable if Voxme Cloud=ON. In Fine Arts Mode editable and default 10 MB
What it means to you: Inventory will now automatically scale down captured images to meet the constraints of the back-end system (MFC or Art Manager). By default the image sizes in Removals mode is now 10M and it’s not editable for MFC users. If it is user editable in fine arts mode and the default now is 10Mb.
INV-1462 In Removals mode set Default Skid type to Liftvan if Voxme Cloud=ON
What it means to you: In the previous version the first loading type on the list, meaning Airvan. Now the default is Liftvan unless it was set up in master settings already.
INV-1461 Capture memory allocation exception thrown while generating PDF file
What it means to you: In the previous version when device ran out of memory, the inventory summary in PDF wouldn’t display. It’d crash the app on some occasions. Now the user will see the warning. The only way around the issue is to restart the device after uploading to the server.
INV-1456 Show error message received from the server for status code 400
What it means to you: Authentication messages and MFC Licensing issues will be displayed straight away upon any attempt to download or upload
INV-1449 During the upload skip non image documents larger than 12MB and inform user
What it means to you: If users downloaded a transaction document larger than 12Mb, it won’t be uploaded back to the system.
INV-1446 Compress saved image files to not exceed server file upload limit of 12MB
What it means to you: All photos (live or coming from a gallery) will be scaled down to the max image size in the settings
INV-1445 Do not allow uploads for jobs not present in Art Manager except for transfers
What it means to you: Any attempt to upload a transaction that has been completed in ArtMan will not even start andthe user will be notified.
INV-1424 Move User Registration away from Settings with access from a menu item placed above About
What it means to you: The users won’t have to go through the settings and be given the settings password to make any registration changes
INV-1422 Server URL got moved to the Voxme Cloud view
INV-1420 Filter tool has been eliminated from the image editor
INV-1409 Simplify user registration flow after fresh install
What it means to you: A registration window comes up right away after opening the app for the first time
Tapping on it brings the user registration screen. Existing users should use the settings QR code to quicklyset up a new device.
INV-1403 Changes to condition field/dropdown on the Item Details screen in Fine Arts
What it means to you: Empty condition is added as a condition option.
INV-1401 Detect if internet is available prior to Printing labels and alert user
What it means to you: In the previous version the app would try to print and hang forever. Make sure to enable “local network” in Voxme Inventory Apple settings
INV-1400 Allow clearing of condition field on the Item Condition Details screen in Fine Arts
What it means to you: A condition can be blanked out after wrong selection.
INV-1399 Default Condition initialization distinct for Fine Arts vs Removals mode
What it means to you: In Fine arts the default condition after the upgrade is blank. In removals it’s the first condition in the configuration
INV-1398 Parse, save and use<ValuationCurrency> for item value currency
What it means to you: Item valuation currency is visible on the item details screen
INV-1397 Add default currency settings parameter
What it means to you: Default item valuation currency can be adjusted via settings. Master settings should be adjusted.
INV-1396 Trouble printing Zebra labels over local IP address
What it means to you: In the previous version the app would try to print and hang forever. Make sure to enable “local network” in Voxme Inventory Apple settings
INV-1395 Bug fix: Selection in the Conditions dropdown on the Item Conditions screen is incorrect
In fine arts mode tapping on the condition drop-down would select the first condition on the list by default. This has been fixed. The default selection is now blank.
Going from Puzzled Looks to “We Want itNow”
By Max Kreynin, VoxmeSoftware Inc.
The biggest change technology hasbrought about in recent years is that it allows companies like ours to deliversimple, practical and affordable solutions to pretty much everybody in theindustry when the industry needs it the most.
Only a few short years ago, rolling outa digital inventory to The MI Group took seven trips in total to visit eachwarehouse in U.S. and Canada, set up company-purchased iPads, and train staffon printing wirelessly. Not many companies in the industry could stomach thebudget for the hardware and travel alone, not to mention implementation andlicensing costs. Now, it takes an hour of training, any smartphone, and acouple of YouTube videos to get the crews going. There’s no hardware to buy andno servers to worry about. That’s what Apple, Google and Amazon afforded us.
We see a huge shift in industry wherethe actual moving-related work—be it surveys or packing or delivery—is beingoutsourced to smaller and smaller agents and contractors. Often times, acontractor packing for a big brand doesn’t have an office, so everything has tobe electronic and mobile, and even labels need to be printed onsite. Regardlessof who pays for the software license, the only way these types of companies canuse technology is if it’s mobile and browser-based.
Ironically, regardless of the companysize, everybody expects technology to just work and be always on, lightningfast, and affordable. Meeting these expectations in a traditionally low-techindustry like moving while it’s undergoing a huge change is challenging;constant change in the underlying technology platforms alone keeps our platefull. Seeing the industry embrace the new technology is rewarding, especiallyconsidering the looks we caught back at IAM 2004 (then HHGFA) when we honestlythought that every single mover would rush to buy a Palm Pilot. It doesn’t meanthat we aren’t working on something cool. It’s just that we are a littlepreoccupied with scaling at the moment. We live in the instant gratificationage, and our apps are measured against Uber and Dropbox.
Voxme digital inventory is a complete system allowing moving companies to establish an efficient, cloud based process suitable for any organizational structure and business flow.
All job management is handled via a pure cloud, browser based system called MFC, which allows move coordinators and operations team to register jobs, print labels, create work orders, add any other documents and dispatch pickups to the moving crews.
The crews download these pickup requests on their iOS or Android device using Voxme Inventory app. All pickup related documents are downloaded to the device automatically. If necessary, crews can print labels via Bluetooth using a ruggedized mobile label printer. Voxme Inventory can be installed on subcontractor’s devices.
The Inventory app allows to create a detailed packing list with photos of preexisting damages in 8 languages, capture liftvan info and content, perform residence inspection, fill out auxiliary service forms and questionnaires, collect digital signatures and upload all the details back to the main system. The app works offline and requires internet connection only to download pickup requests and upload the results back to the cloud.
When the goods come to the warehouse, the Inventory app allows warehouse staff to capture all loading details - scan pieces into liftvans or storage crates, then scan the liftvans into their warehouse location. Scanning inventory out is as simple as scanning liftvans and loose pieces to a release location or trucks. The next hub can repeat liftvan scan in and scan out process.
At the end, the inventory can be scanned on delivery. Item damages can be photographed during the bingo process.
Reach out for live demos and trials: voxme.com
Voxme has rolled out label printing from their packing inventory app Voxme Inventory on both Apple and Android platforms. It gives packing crews an ability to print labels in the truck or on site using ruggedized mobile Zebra printer via Bluetooth. The warehouse users of the Inventory can print the labels to any modern Zebra printer on the network via wi-fi or use a mobile printer in the warehouse and print via Bluetooth or wi-fi.
This development is extremely important during these unprecedented times when the crews have minimum contact with the office and are expected to be as independent as possible. It also allows moving companies to enable label printing for remote crews and sub-contractors who never come to the office or have access to the warehouse or office label printer. All they would need is the Voxme Inventory license, a mobile Zebra label printer and blank labels.
Voxme and Moveware have come together to develop an interface that allows users of Moveware to use the Voxme Estimator app for pre-move surveys. The interface between Moveware and Voxme Virtual Survey allows Moveware users to easily pull items and access snapshots from the video into Moveware. As most surveys nowadays are virtual, an ability to assign photos from the video to items and access details quickly and easily in Moveware is a huge benefit for Moveware users.
“It took time for both companies to start cooperating and integrate at the mobile applications level, said Max Kreynin from Voxme. “The mutual understanding and cooperation allowed the sides to come up with a swift response to the challenges of social distancing and build a real bridge over this surreal period. And it became clear now that this is the bridge into the future, which will be very different from the past.”
To find out more visit the companies’ virtual booths at IAM 2020 or see the advertisement in this issue of The Mover on page 25.
It's rewarding to have our virtual survey platform used by a professional virtual survey company like SurveyPlus Virtual Survey Agency. We understand that getting old school surveyors and salesmen to use virtual surveys is challenging and sometimes isn't possible due to various objective and subjective constraints. SurveyPlus offers an excellent alternative - they will survey on your behalf with or without cubing and you will have access to the video recording
For more details visit https://www.surveyplusvmc.com/
We are proud to be a bronze sponsor of the virtual IAM 2020 conference.
The very fact that a traditional movers gathering went virtual is a perfect example that technology is the only way to meet the challenges of the new world order.
MoveWare users now enjoy an ability to fetch items and access snapshots from live and recorded videos. The photos can be imported from the Voxme Virtual Survey via QR code or direct image upload.
VVS has been designed to be part of a complete solution and we are happy to be able to bring it to our joint clients in a cost efficient manager.
Due to the high demand for the virtual video platform demos we have decided to host a series of webinars. Join one of the upcoming sessions by emailing us at webinars@voxme.com and indicating your preferred time zone. We will send you an invite with the webinar details.
The new version of Voxme Inventory app for drivers and packing crews now features label printing for pieces and liftvans. It gives the crews total independence and flexibility, which becomes critical during the summer season. It also means that the crews don't need to come to the office or warehouse to pick up the labels. Label printing is done via Bluetooth using Zebra label printers. Zebra offers rugged mobile printers like ZQ520, which are ideally suited for the moving industry.
The industry has learned that it needs professional virtual survey technology. Read the article in The Mover magazine
Voxme Inventory app on both iOS and Android platform allows destination agents to simply scan the origin barcodes or print one’s own labels based on the origin piece count and scan these into the warehouse. One can even take photos of damages as the pieces are getting received. Once scanning is done, the resulting barcodes list can be used for scanning inventory out and on delivery, thus allowing to maintain inventory integrity at all points of transfer. The back-end cloud system helps set up jobs, print labels and documents with a couple of clicks from any browser.
Handling import inventory is tough any way one looks at it,starting from the basic integrity control. More often than not an import shipment doesn’t come with an electronic packing list compatible with your inventory system so one can’t just can load it in the app and scan away. The industry is trying to set up a common electronic inventory exchange mechanism,but it will take years. In the meantime, the shipments are getting smaller,loose consolidation is the name of the game and another season is just around he corner.
We believe in a bright future with common standards, but our focus is trained on what we can do now to help you tackle the problems in the most practical way given the current state of the industry.
The new version of the iOS Inventory offers simplified and easyto use screens that allow even the novice users to get comfortable with the app quickly. This version even allows for hiding some of the unused entry fields to help crewmen focus on what's important for their company specific process. The version was carefully crafted to work properly on all iPhones, iPods and iPads.
Simplicity is the main theme of the improvements made in practical all functional areas of the app such as capturing pre-existing damages, adding details of member pro gear and high value items for military members, form filling, residence inspection, using tags (barcoded and traditional lot labels), scanning liftvans at all transfer points,
scanning in and out of the warehouse, bingo on delivery
O Voxme Virtual Survey agora permite que vistoriadores e vendedores iniciem umbate-papo por vídeo no iPhone, iPad, Mac e qualquer telefone ou tablet Android,além de dispositivos baseados no Windows.
Umavez que o vídeo é gravado, os vistoriadores podem assisti-lo imediatamente nomesmo dispositivo e capturar o inventário usando o Voxme Estimator ou qualqueroutro aplicativo de vistoria.
Acreditamosque vistorias virtuais são sobre espontaneidade e tempo de resposta. Dessaforma, consideramos importante permitir que nossos clientes iniciem o bate-papopor vídeo a partir de qualquer dispositivo, a qualquer momento, e concluamrapidamente uma vistoria detalhada sem restrições de localização.
Etudo isso por USD $ 3 por pesquisa.
The thought of driving to a survey is already painful. Doing it in London traffic makes matters even worse. Paying $30 per survey sounds absurd. So we offer an alternative - stay in the office or in the comfort of your home and use Voxme Virtual Survey for $3 USD per survey for up to 30 minutes with 3 months of cloud storage included.
And if you need to download the video before it expires, you can do it in one click. Sign up here https://webest.voxme.com
In a couple of years the very idea of driving to a survey will sound absurd so you may as well get to the future now. After all, removals business margins aren't getting any cushier.
Estamos orgulhosos de fazer parte da solução de vistoria virtual lançada pela Sobolak International em Viena, Áustria
O sistema Voxme ArtManager agora oferece gerenciamento transacional completo de caixas vazias. Esse recurso permite agendar a fabricação de caixas, vincular essa caixa a uma coleta, escanear itens para a caixa, entregar a caixa completa, escanear itens para fora da caixa na entrega, receber a caixa agora vazia e escaneá-la para uma localização no armazém. A força motriz por trás desse desenvolvimento foi ajudar nossos clientes a estabelecer uma reutilização eficiente de caixas e aumentar o faturamento do armazenamento de caixas. O ArtManager e o Inventory simplesmente seguem os processos reais da logística de belas artes, garantindo assim a fácil implementação desses novos recursos.
O Voxme MFC agora oferece rastreamento baseado em código de barras de caixas móveis de madeira e paletes, conforme eles viajam do agente de origem, para agente portuário, para o agente de entrega e, finalmente, para o endereço de entrega onde peças individuais podem ser escaneadas. As equipes de entrega têm acesso às fotos e condições originais dos itens, evitando reclamações por danos indevidos. Nossos aplicativos usam uma digitalização ultrarrápida baseada na câmera do próprio aparelho, eliminando a necessidade de scanners e permitindo que os transportadores provisionem os dispositivos de seus subcontratados para participar do fluxo de inventário eletrônico. Venha nos visitar no IAM em Chicago para discutir como você pode tirar proveito dessa poderosa tecnologia.
Voxme Art Manager and Voxme Inventory now feature deep condition reporting that satisfies auction, galleries and fine arts logistics needs. Now you can describe each condition with its photo, location and general description. And you can mark up each photo. This allows our clients to enjoy both high level and deep condition reporting in the Art Manager system without any third party tools. At the end of the process the system produces professional PDF reports complete with your logo and signature.
We will make our 15th appearance and since our core company and product principles remain unchanged, we figured we can use a photo from the HHGFAA 2003 to help you find us on the convention floor at booth 1212
Voxme MFC users can now enjoy the ability to edit any Word document generated by the system right in the browser. There is no need to download a document to a computer, edit it in Microsoft Word or other Word editor and upload it back to the system. Everything is handled right in the browser, which means total freedom and flexibility of managing the moves from any device, be it a PC, a Mac or a tablet,without having any Word editor installed on it. "Since launching MFC we've noticed that the most actively used feature is document generation" says Max Kreynin, Managing Partner of Voxme Software. "On its own this didn't surprise it, but what turned out to be even more critical than generating the documents in Word is the ability to easily edit these documents. It took a significant effort to create a nice Word editing experience in the browser and we are happy to roll out this feature now ahead of the busy summer season".
Thanks to our amazing team and thankful customers we are growing. At present we are looking to add two support and implementation specialists for the offices in Toronto and Europe. Toronto based position requires fluent Spanish and English. European based position requires fluent Russian, French and preferably English. Send your resumes to hr@voxme.com
The new version of the Voxme Inventory for iOS is now able to share the final packing list with photos and signatures in PDFformat. The PDF file can be shared instantly over Air Drop, e-mail, WhatsApp or any other standard sharing channel. Moreover, one can now save the packing list offline using any Apple compatible memory stick
O canal daVoxme no YouTube é uma fonte de mais e mais materiais de video com instruções einformações produzidos em resposta à grande demanda de nossos clientes. Inscreva-se, siga-o e peça-nos osvídeos que ajudarão você a aproveitar ao máximo nossas soluções. Nós os criamospara você e teremos grande prazer em ver você se divertir com eles.
Obrigado à empresaanteriormente conhecida como Crater, os pioneiros da solução de pesquisa virtualpara a indústria de mudanças, ficou muito fácil explicar a diferença entre asolução de pesquisa virtual Voxme e a antiga Crater (agora Shyft). Assista nocanal da Voxme no YouTube:
Assista aeste vídeo para ver como os usuários do Voxme Estimator disfrutam de ter acessoaos detalhes da vistoria e a resumos de pesquisas personalizados usando o VoxmeMF Cloud
Graças à assistência da MoveWare, a integração entre os sistemas foiconcluída e as empresas que preferem usar os aplicativos móveis Voxme podemfazê-lo combinando tecnologia ao apoio de um carro clássico.
Mesmo quando preferências subjetivas e a nostalgia afetam a escolha datecnologia, é possível aproveitar os melhores aplicativos móveis, integração ecolaboração
We are proud to present our new Web Estimator video manual:
Lançamos uma nova versão do Estimator para iOS que funciona igualmente bem em iPads e iPhones. O foco principal desta versão foi ajudar os pesquisadores a realizar as tarefas mais fáceis e rápidas sem se distrair com opções irrelevantes ou transições de tela. Como resultado, tarefas comuns como excluir várias vistorias, navegar em uma visita, ligar para um cliente ou mover muitos itens de uma remessa marítima para o armazém ficaram muito mais fáceis e intuitivas.
Agradecemos todos os comentários que recebemos dos usuários após o lançamento inicial. Como esperado, a maioria ficou irritada com a própria mudança. Ter algumas dobras na primeira versão não facilitou a transição, mas graças à nossa equipe incrível, todos os problemas foram resolvidos e melhorias foram feitas para restaurar a peça e ajudar os usuários do Estimator a aproveitarem a nova funcionalidade ... e a aparência.
As mesmas mudanças estão chegando à plataforma Android. Ironicamente, aplicamos algumas das alterações de interface ao aplicativo Inventory e ficamos chocados por não recebermos uma única ligação de usuários indignados. Nós conseguimos alguns e-mails de "obrigado" e "parabéns", mas eles não eram muito divertidos para serem citados aqui.
The time has come to announce general availability of MFC - Mighty Forwarder Cloud - a real cloud based move management system.
What does it actually mean to a user?All you need to do is fire up an Internet browser, login and get access to all the functions familiar to Voxme users. This includes surveys with notifications, label printing, packing inventory, leads, quotations, flexible reporting plus all the typical MoveWare operating system functions.
The cost is $55 per user per month plus setup according to your desired level of customization More importantly it excludes the cost of Windows servers, setting up databases, RDP, VPNs and Azure
Os usuários do Estimator agora têm a capacidade de transferir itens e informação de acesso da residência, feitos em vídeos ou vistorias nos dispositivos em tempo real. Este recurso está disponível para todos os dispositivos e suporta vídeos ao vivo e gravados.
O recurso é uma das principais razões pelas quais decidimos adicionar vistorias virtuais - para permitir que nossos usuários do Estimator usem o vídeo para produzir os mesmos resumos de vistorias de alta qualidade com fotos sem a visita física.
Tudo o que você precisa fazer para habilitar esse recurso no Estimator é baixar a versão mais recente, abrir Configurações e ativar Link para pesquisa virtual.
Por favor, entre em contato com nosso suporte ou vendas para obter mais assistência e informações.
Voxme participará da convenção anual FIDI 2018 em San Diego, California. - 25-28 de março, 2018.
Venha ver o nosso novo sistema de nuvem, novos recursos do Web Estimator e novas versões dos nossos aplicativos móveis.
A Voxme Software Inc. exibirá no stand n. ° 718 durante a reunião anual anual da IAM em Long Beach, Califórnia, de 9 a 12 de outubro de 2017.
Como todos os anos, estaremos apresentando nossas últimas aplicações e ofertas de serviços. Encorajamos você a reservar sua demo com antecedência.
A Voxme Software Inc. participará da reunião anual da FIDI em Dubai, U.A.E. - 4-8 de março de 2017.
Venha ver nosso novo sistema de gerenciamento de movimentos baseado em nuvem, novos recursos do Web Estimator e todos os nossos aplicativos para dispositivos móveis.
Estamos felizes em anunciar a disponibilidade geral do Web Estimator - uma aplicação baseada em nuvem que permite que as vendas do seu escritório entrem rapidamente no inventário da pesquisa e obtenha uma sensação de volume e peso ao interagir com clientes e prospects por telefone ou bate-papo de vídeo incorporado. Ter a capacidade de gravar o vídeo dá à sua equipe a opção de entrar no inventário ao vivo ou completar o passeio de vídeo primeiro e depois entrar no inventário enquanto assiste uma gravação.
Quando um cessionário precisa de assistência com uma auto-pesquisa, um consultor de mudança pode assumir a pesquisa com o clique de um botão e ajudar o cessionário a completá-lo.
Os resultados do levantamento podem ser enviados por e-mail como HTML, PDF ou carregados diretamente em seu sistema de gerenciamento Voxme ou mover. Os topógrafos podem baixar todos os detalhes da pesquisa para o Estimador Voxme.
A solução será apresentada ao vivo pela primeira vez no IAM, em Nova Orleans, em outubro de 2016.
Entre em contato conosco se desejar ver a demonstração e tentar.